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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Operation Purple Camp

      I am so disappointed, this year I am not going to OPC. They have made it so you have to pay to go and it is not strictly for military kids. I don't think it is worth going since I have over 4 hours to go. I wish we had one near Pendleton. If there was one near us, more children could be connected. I personally only know a few other military kids. It would be amazing for everyone to know they aren't alone during a deployment. If OPC had more donations, then it could go back to normal. Even though I know there won't be one near me, it would be nice if there could be one open for Oregon military kids for free.

A quote from 
"...Unfortunately, we no longer have a relationship with Operation Purple, a program of the National Military Family Association due to a lack of funds available for camps in Oregon.  However, we still plan to serve 120 campers age 8 to 16 this year.  Youth of military families, grandchildren of military families and friends of military-connected youth are all welcome to join together during a full week of summer camp for only a $150 registration fee. Oregon Summer Star is our State’s most admired military-family support program.  It’s a low-cost week of summer camp that allows us to look inward, smile outward and have the best week of our summer together. We built a community that once never was in Oregon and look to YOU as the campers and families to move it further. It’s not about promoting military service or endorsing any political policy.  It’s about preparing our youth with skills for a balanced life and about maintaining a healthy next generation of Oregon families..."
     There are many places that lead to links that you can donate to!

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