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Monday, September 12, 2016

Sharing the Link

     So last night I sent the link to my Etsy shop and she then shared it on Facebook. When I woke up this morning I saw there were over 50 veiws from when I went to sleep.
     I am still figuring out all the links and stuff I can do with Etsy. I found out there are coupons. So I decided I will give a coupon for the first person to buy two items will get free shipping. Eventually I want to share a coupon on here then on other social accounts.
     Check everyday for new items and deals on

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Starting Etsy

     So recently I have stared my own business on Esty selling needle felted creations of mine. My shop's name is TatorbugsCrafts and so far I have 7 listings. Nothing has sold yet, but i have over 50 views. My favorite listing of mine so far is the 4 acorns. I made them with my mom's cousin, Chelsea, and it was so fun! I hope eventually someone will find my shop and buy something.