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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ruber Egg (Science)

Today we did a science project. It is a rubber egg sience. One is rubber the other is not. What one is rubber? Top or bottom?

New Poster

I made a poster to celabrate the New Year! It stands for what I want the new year to be like in only three words. My words were Inspire, Love, Achieve! Inspire means to inspire other people. Love means love each other. Achieve means achieve new goals each day. Those are my words!
     At school my class is reading Stone Fox it sounds exciting! I have never read it before. Yesterday we the class had to write what dogsled racers feel at a race, I said that they feel scared. Am I right? I wonder?

The Great Mail Race

     Today I received a great mail race letter. The great mail race is when class's around the USA, send letters to a class in any state! My letter is from Anchorage AK. It came with a picture a guide and what there school is like.There playground is like my school's playground.
     Today I did art. The art is for our class to get more Ipads or Ipods. You are able to get them at a pie social. The tickets are a dollar. Please come to McKay Creek Pie Social. What tipe of art do you like?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Walt Disney

Walt Disney is famous for cartoons. His real name is Walter Disney. Do you wonder about how he started?
Well he moved to Ohio, where a teacher taught him art. He learned how to animate. His first well known character was Oswald the Bunny.
Do you know how much pictures it took for Snow White? It took over 5.000 pictures in two years!